List of members showing a low skill in the first 24 hrs forecast or the first 48 hrs forecast (day 2). All atmopspheric variables for the member have been recomputed: example: 1. m07 jan 1984 2. m06 feb 1982 3. m10 feb 1996 4. m06 may 1996 5. m06 may 2004 6. m11 may 1998 7. m11 may 1999 8. m11 may 2001 9. m11 may 2002 10. m11 may 2003 11. m06 jun 1999 12. m11 jul 1998 13. m11 jul 1999 14. m11 jul 2002 15. m11 jul 2003 16. m08 aug 2001 (day2) 17. m10 aug 2001 18. m11 sep 1982 19. m11 oct 1991 20. m11 nov 1986 21. m12 nov 1986 22. m13 nov 1986 23. m14 nov 1986 24. m15 nov 1986 25. m01 dec 2001 (day 2) 26. m09 dec 2001 27. m05 dec 1987 28. m06 dec 1998 29. m07 dec 1998 30. m08 dec 1998 31. m09 dec 1998 32. m10 dec 1998 33. m11 dec 1998 34. m12 dec 1998 35. m13 dec 1998 36. m15 dec 1998